Outreach & DEI
I am interested in the social side of Astronomy. I strongly believe that everyone should have access to Astronomy and everyone should feel respected and safe inside the Astronomy community. Below you can find outreach and DEI in which I have been involved in the past years.
Vision Cosmica Podcast (in Spanish)
From time to time I also collaborate in the podcast: Vision Cosmica. A podcast about astronomy in Spanish produced by cosmoquest.
RECA mentorship program
Since August 2020 I’ve been leading a mentorship program for undergraduate physics and astronomy students in Colombia. The program aims to guide the students to reach their professional goals. These includes an acedemic career in astronomysneexe, an educator career or a path within the indsutry. Until the now the program has had over 60 students!.
RECA internship program
In summer 2021 I co-organized the astronomy internship program with the Colombian Network of Studetns (RECA). During the 10 week program 13 students in Colombia made research projects with Astronomers all over the world. This online program provided an opportunity for the students to work directly with Astronomers from all over the world.
Press release from one of the main newspapers in Colombia
Diversity Journal Club at Steward Observatory:
I used to organized along with Samantha Scibelli, Erin Maier, and Carlos Vargas we organize the diversity Journal Club at the Astronomy department in the Steward Observatory. This is a space created to engage with the community at all levels on topics of equity, inclusion, and diversity.
| | Astrocharlas Are Spanish lecture series for
the Tucson community that take place at the Steward Observatory once a semester.
I co-organize this talks along with Raphael Hviding, and
Professor Gurtina Besla. |
I’ve been an writer for Astrobitos since 2017. Astrobitos, is the spanish version of astrobites. We write summaries of astronomy papers three times per week. Astrobitos’s members are all astronomy graduate students and postdocs.
Astronomia periferica
| | Astronomia periferica was a program funded by the IAU office for
development that took place in Bogota, Colombia. Astronomia periferica was targeted to
kids of poor neighbors of Bogota. We did several hand on activities that involved science and arts motivated by physical concepts, such as light,
dimensions and space. Our final project, involved building two exoplanets with different “atmospheres”, this project was presented by the kids and became
a one month exhibition in the Planetarium of Bogota. |